curl[projects] is creating a
space for contemplation

🌀 curl is the upward spiral that reclaims our agency over the digital systems that shape our lives.

Andre: designer; full-stack developer; filmmaker. Currently working as lead design technologist at DeSci Labs.

Finn: product manager; full-stack developer; writer. Currently an associate product manager at Uber, working on sustainability.
We’ve been best friends and collaborators for over five years now. Beyond all else, we are motivated by the joy that we find tackling difficult design problems together.

We believe that software should be playful, emotive and humane, and that these design principles will be the anchors that turn applications from soulless, efficient workflows into deeply enriching tools for thought.

Our creative process is a pull between Andre’s divergent, non-linear design thinking and Finn’s convergent white-papers and technical experiments.

@andrepology on X

@finn-macken on LinkedIn
︎ Nov-2023
practice that sustains is practice that sustains the self